Ryunosuke Satoroce said “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean”, and no matter what industry you find yourself working in, you’ll know that truer words have never been spoken. But how do we take these usually stormy oceans and create a force that can weather down mountains?
Our response to the COVID-19 crisis at Computek College was an “all hands on deck” approach. Although many of our students had accessibility issues shifting online, our team came together to ensure everyone had access within two days. This team effort in the face of adversity was a proud moment for the Computek family and they deserve all the credit for it.
Let me share with you the keys to creating an unstoppable team that can weather any challenge as the world shifts in response to COVID-19.
Know Your Team’s Strengths
This may be an idea that the clinical world of business has erased, but it is a fact that every human has a beauty and uniqueness that no one can replicate.
When you are going through a rough patch or transition and you need your team to adapt to win, take some time to chat with them as individuals. Dive into their personalities and history to unearth hidden talents that can bring your company out of the storm and rise to the top.
Encourage Questions & Ideas
The problem that so many businesses face today is that they worship the business plan that they were founded on, and this is a time for change.
Too many companies welcome new employees by convincing them that the company is only two steps away from becoming a unicorn, and the young employee can help that become a reality by keeping their eyes to the ground and following orders.
Businesses that become obsessed with this single path to success risk driving their companies into a chasm, while the savvy team leader who fosters the creativity and independence of their employees will always find ways to pivot around obstacles.
Cultivate Mentors, not Managers
Since the time of the Pharaohs, the appearance of the pyramid has become ingrained into society’s eye as the platonic ideal of structural success.
This is right, but for the wrong reasons.
As the COVID-19 situation is currently revealing to us, the strength of a business’s structures lies not in the vision and precision of its pinnacle leaders, but in the integrity and cohesion of its foundation. Ensure your team feels healthy and heard by transforming management roles into mentorship roles.
Every team is a unique blend of personalities, histories, and skills, but you as a leader can master these traits and help form your group into a dynamic machine that cannot be stopped. If you want to learn the best tactics for team cohesion visit my website and find out how I can make your people succeed in unison.