Canada’s current and future prosperity largely depends on attracting immigrants. They fill job gaps, start businesses, and make significant investments in Canada’s economy. Economic immigrants bring talent, innovation, family members, and financial investments to Canada. They also enrich the country’s culture, heritage, and opportunities.
Let’s take a look at the way immigration positively impacts Canada and Canadian jobs.
Canada was built on immigration
Canada emerged from European colonies established by French and British immigrants in the early 1600s. Currently, 95.7% of the population are descended from immigrants compared to the 4.3% non-immigrants (indigenous peoples of Canada).
Immigration and multiculturalism are a fundamental part of the Canadian identity and we’re richer for it.
Immigrants have a positive impact on the population
Canada’s total fertility rate (TFR) has been below the replacement rate of 2.1 births per woman since 1971. Since then, the birth rate has continued to decline and currently sits at 1.47 births per woman from 3.94 in 1959.
Countries with low birth rates and strong immigration systems can bridge the gap and ensure their population continues to grow despite fewer births—Canada is one of those countries.
Immigrants deliver and improve health and social services
Many immigrants arriving in Canada are young and pay more into the health system than they typically take out. According to the Canadian Council for Refugees, the cost of healthcare for a refugee or refuge claimant amounts to just 10% of other Canadians.
As for immigrants working in health-related occupations, currently, more than 335,000 immigrants work in these fields according to the 2016 census. We see in the media the urgent call for even more healthcare workers given the ongoing pandemic and this is reflected in the increased interest and enrollments at Computek College.
The economic benefits of immigration
Without immigration to boost population growth, it is unlikely that Canada would be able to sustain its current level of 1.7% economic growth. Without the labour and purchasing power of immigrant Canadians, Canada must produce more goods and services with fewer workers, while relying more heavily on exports to continue its economic growth.
When I first moved to Canada as a child, I saw how my parents had to adapt to their new life in Winnipeg. As an adult, I find great joy in helping others find opportunities.
One tangible way I’m able to facilitate opportunities is through my role as CEO at Computek College. I see first hand how newcomers to Canada strive to start all over again so they can make a positive contribution in their own lives and to the broader community.
If you would like to chat about this or any other topic that you feel will support your personal or business success, please visit my website and send me a message today. Or visit my LinkedIn page for more ideas on expanding your journey.